Detox, Yoga und Wellness auf La Palma

Reiki La Palma

Holistic courses with initiation into the 1st - 3rd degree

Reiki La Palma

Discover the healing power of Reiki in our wild and romantic retreat oasis “VIDYAMOR” on La Palma, one of the most unique Canary Islands.

We offer holistic and health-promoting Reiki courses and initiations that will turn your holiday into an enriching and spiritual experience.

In the quiet and private atmosphere of our oasis, where we do not accommodate any other guests during your stay, you have the opportunity to concentrate fully on your Reiki practice and spiritual development.

Let yourself be inspired by the breathtaking nature and calming energy of La Palma and experience how a Reiki course on this paradisiacal island can contribute to your holistic relaxation!

Reiki La Palma holidays

Retreat La Palma Untermenü Begrenzung
Retreat La Palma Untermenü Begrenzung

What is Reiki?

Reiki La Palma

Reiki comes from the Japanese and means “universal life energy”.

This ancient method of natural healing was rediscovered by Dr Mikao Usui in the second half of the 19th century.
The subtle energy can be passed on through the gentle laying on of hands, whereby the strength of the energy flow depends on the individual needs of the recipient. As the Reiki giver merely acts as a “channel”, the recipient is protected from negative influences.

Possible effects on a physical, emotional and mental level:
Reiki can activate the body’s self-healing powers and harmonise the entire organism. The “universal life energy” can also have a pain-relieving, circulation-enhancing and relaxing effect. On an emotional level, Reiki can have a balancing and relaxing effect and promote mental well-being, making it a wonderful addition to a wellness retreat.

Reiki guides people back to their roots, to their own centre, and shows ways of holistic healing, which can, for example, help them to face everyday life with all its challenges in a more relaxed way.

Everyone has the opportunity to become a “Reiki energy channel” in the form of an initiation. For those interested, we offer Reiki courses for the I, II and III degree (master degree) for groups of 2-3 people or more.

(The functionality and effectiveness of this offer has not yet been proven or recognised by conventional medicine).

Reiki La Palma

Reiki La Palma Courses

Initiations in the I. to III. degree

Reiki La Palma

Reiki is an ancient relaxation and healing method from Japan. The “universal life energy” is passed on to the recipient during the treatment through the gentle laying on of hands. Reiki can activate the body’s self-healing powers, promote mental well-being and help to dissolve emotional blockages.

Everyone has the opportunity to become a “Reiki channel” in the form of an initiation. The energy is transmitted in 3 degrees.

Our Reiki courses are only offered for 2 people.

I. Degree

History and meaning of Reiki
Initiation into the I degree,
Hand positions/treatments

II degree

Explanation of the symbols and mantras
Use of the symbols

Initiation into the II. Degree

Laying on of hands with symbols
Chakra work
Remote healing

III. degree

Initiation into the “Master Degree”
How do I teach the I, II and III degrees?

In the mornings, we will spend 5 days on the theory and practice of Reiki. From lunchtime onwards, you will have free time to take advantage of our naturopathic offers, such as massages or yoga, or to explore the island of La Palma and its attractions.

Each participant receives a certificate at the end of the course.

The courses for the I, II and III degrees include tuition, accommodation and catering.

~ Accommodation :
in our lovingly furnished guest house with double and single bed, private shower/WC and garden terrace with adjoining sunbathing lawn.

~ Catering :
* We serve you a vegan breakfast / brunch every day: either as a sweet version with fresh juices, muesli and local fruit or savoury with salads, sandwiches, delicious spreads and avocados. All served with herbal teas.
* On the evening of your arrival we will prepare a salad with love, decorated with bread, avocado and garnishes;
* Travel provisions in the form of fruit, dried fruit and nuts on the day of departure

(Accommodation and vegan catering are provided free of charge for the Reiki La Palma courses.)

Reiki La Palma

Are you ready for an unforgettable Reiki course in our holiday oasis on La Palma?
Then make a non-binding enquiry now.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Reiki La Palma