Detox Online Coaching

Detox Online Coaching

Our Detox Online Coaching offers you our many years of experience in the areas of detoxification, health and nutrition.

We have recognised that it is essential not only to treat the symptoms, but above all to identify the causes and eliminate them in the long term.


Over the years, we have learnt about many different naturopathic therapies and detoxification methods and have developed a holistic detox coaching programme that we can use to support you in your personal healing process online.

We would like to share our experiences with those who believe that there is a cure even for seemingly incurable diseases.

Detox Online Coaching

Retreat La Palma Yoga Urlaub auf den Kanaren
Retreat La Palma Yoga Urlaub auf den Kanaren

Detox Coaching

Detox Online Coaching

We offer this detox coaching on all questions and topics relating to preventive health care, nutrition and acute and chronic illnesses. Advice can be provided online or by telephone.

We will be happy to provide you with competent and empathetic advice on site. For example, our guests often want support after the Intensive Detox Retreat and have questions about how they can continue to promote their health in the best possible way at home.

10-day online detox retreat

Detox Online Coaching

This lovingly supervised detox retreat is an online coaching programme designed for those who want to gently detox at home and positively support their health. Especially for people who do not yet have much experience with detox and fasting, it can be useful to be competently guided through this process. It can also provide the necessary impetus to put into practice the detox fast that has been planned for a long time but put off.[show_more more=Read…more> color=#8B0000 less=<  ]

This online coaching includes a detox retreat in the form of a fruit, vegetable and juice fast. This variant of fasting is a gentle but at the same time very efficient way to detox.

What is included in the 10-day online detox retreat?

Online coaching on detox and fasting in the form of two approx. 60-minute telephone calls

We get to know each other better during the first telephone call, or via Skype if you prefer. Here we clarify with the help of a short medical history whether this type of fasting is suitable for you.

During this Detox Online Coaching you will receive both verbal and written instructions on what you need for your Detox Retreat. It is realistic to plan about 1 week from this conversation to the start of the actual fast.

• 10 days of online coaching via WhatsApp or Telegram chat

You will receive daily feedback and support for questions via WhatsApp or Telegram during the entire 10 days of detox fasting.

At the final online coaching session, you will have the opportunity to ask further questions. For example, how you continue to eat healthily even after the detox fast and optimise your personal healing process.

Not included in this detox online coaching, but bookable additionally, are precise instructions and support for a detox programme:

Parasite cure

Liver cleansing

Kidney cleansing

Removal of heavy metals

For those who prefer to do the fruit, vegetable and juice fast in a protected setting in our beautiful flower oasis “VIDYAMOR” on la Palma ~ Canary Islands, we offer the Intensive Detox Retreat.

(The functionality and effectiveness of this offer has not yet been proven or recognised by conventional medicine).


300 days detox online coaching

Detox Online Coaching

This guided 300-day online coaching programme is designed for people who are looking for holistic healing due to illness or chronic complaints. Even people who are seriously ill can hope to improve their health thanks to this in-depth detox programme.


The basic approach is that you can heal yourself. We help you to go through this healing process with precise instructions and competent support.[show_more more=Read…more> color=#8B0000 less=<  ]


Thanks to our many years of experience, we can explain in an easily understandable way how elevated cholesterol and blood pressure levels come about. We also offer logical explanations on topics such as autoimmune diseases, chronic complaints such as arthrosis, skin diseases, allergies or mental illnesses such as Alzheimer’s and depression. This list could go on and on…

(The functionality and effectiveness of this offer has not yet been proven or recognised by conventional medicine).


What is included in the 300 days Detox Online Coaching?


[show_more more=Read…more> color=#8B0000 less=<  ]


We get to know each other better during the first telephone call, or via Skype if you prefer. Here we clarify with the help of a detailed anamnesis how we can best support you with this 300-day Detox Online Coaching.


You will receive detailed and written instructions for the exact implementation of the detox procedures mentioned above. Before the start of each individual detox procedure, we will consult with you to clarify the details and answer any questions.


During the 300 days, we are always available to answer questions via WhatsApp or Telegram. We will contact you regularly to enquire about your well-being and to advise, support or motivate you if necessary. We can also talk on the phone if you wish.


Included in this Detox Online Coaching are two Reiki distance treatments that can support your personal healing process on all levels.


During the final telephone call, you will have another opportunity to ask questions about how things could continue for you after this online detox retreat.


Not included in this online coaching are the ingredients and products for the 10-day fruit, vegetable and juice fast, as well as for the individual detox procedures. We will inform you verbally or in writing of possible sources of supply.


If you would prefer to start your 300 day online detox retreat with fruit, vegetable and juice fasting in a protected setting in our beautiful flower oasis “VIDYAMOR” on la Palma ~ Canary Islands, we offer you the Intensive Detox Retreat.

(The functionality and effectiveness of this offer has not yet been proven or recognised by conventional medicine).


Parasite cure

Detox Online Coaching

Do you feel weak and sleepy after eating? Do you have digestive problems?

Parasites excrete toxic waste that poisons the body. They are mineral robbers and weaken the immune system, which in turn leads to further signs of fatigue and illness. Some parasites have the ability to trick the body into thinking they are normal tissue or organ parts, and because these invaders cannot be easily fought off, this often leads to blood loss, anaemia and iron deficiency.[show_more more=Read…more> color=#8B0000 less=<  ]


Typical symptoms of parasites:

– Allergic reactions

– Loss of appetite or food cravings

– Persistent Candida yeast infection

– Depression, forgetfulness, lack of concentration, mental confusion, anxiety, nervousness

– Weakened immune system

– Skin problems

– Waking up several times during the night (especially between 2 and 3 a.m.)

– Palpitations, heart pain

– Itching in the ears, nose and around the anus

– Headaches

– Chronic fatigue

– Digestive problems such as a burning stomach, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic diarrhoea or constipation, flatulence

– Teeth grinding during sleep


The main causes of parasite infestation


Processed or denatured foods such as white bread and white sugar, but also meat, fish, eggs, cheese, alcohol, milk and coffee over-acidify the body and slag the intestines. The resulting toxins burden the liver and kidneys and the entire immune system is weakened. This creates an ideal environment for parasites.


Parasites are everywhere, but “the quantity makes the poison”. The following points should therefore be noted in particular:


-Too close contact with pets ~ Most dog and cat owners give their pets an annual worming treatment for a reason. Pet owners should also treat themselves to a cure, because the same parasites also pass to humans.


-Leaf and root vegetables fertilised with (organic) manure ~ a widespread parasite in humans is the sheep liver fluke, which is apparently transmitted via sheep manure. However, faeces from cows, goats and chickens also contain high concentrations of parasite larvae. This problem does not exist with artificial fertilisers, but the ideal solution for growing vegetables is of course compost.


– Non-vegetarian households and restaurants ~ a decomposition process begins at the moment of death. This attracts vast numbers of bacteria and parasites to support this process. These and the pre-existing pathogens have the ideal breeding ground and multiply rapidly. Therefore, every piece of meat is certainly infected with parasites. Of course, most eggs die in the pan, but who disinfects their kitchen board? The tomatoes for the salad, for example, are then sliced and the pathogens are already in the food. This is not splitting hairs, but one of the main reasons for parasite infestation.


-Lack of hygiene ~ parasite eggs can nestle particularly well under the fingernails and it is a short distance from the hand to the mouth… Furthermore, it has been proven that the kitchen sponge for washing up (after the toilet brush) has the most pathogens. They thrive particularly well in the mostly moist environment.


-Public toilets ~ countless parasite eggs and larvae are excreted in human faeces. It is therefore important to be particularly sensitive and hygienic in such places.


It is not the case that parasites are “evil” or only take. They are a kind of rubbish collector (of undigested food and waste products, for example) and they want their reward: a portion of our energy. But they can also become a plague if they can multiply too much and damage our entire organism.


The 4 most important points to stay free of parasites are:


– Fast once a year or go on a detox retreat

– Practising a healthy diet and lifestyle

– Avoid the main causes of parasite infestation (see above)

– Carry out the parasite cure with people close to you at the same time


It is very important to do regular bowel irrigations during a parasite cure in order to eliminate dead parasites as quickly as possible.


On request, we offer the parasite cure as part of a minimum 10-day Intensive detox retreat or during one of our online detox retreats.

More information on parasite cures

(The functionality and effectiveness of this offer has not yet been proven or recognised by conventional medicine).


Liver cleansing

Detox Online Coaching

Gallstones, which block the liver, are the most common, but rarely (recognised) cause of diseases such as:

Liver/gallbladder diseases (hepatitis, fatty liver, liver cirrhosis, biliary colic…)

Digestive disorders (flatulence, constipation, diarrhoea, obesity, Crohn’s disease… )

Diseases of the urinary system (kidney stones, kidney/bladder inflammation, kidney failure…)

Cardiovascular complaints (arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, heart attack…)

Diseases of the respiratory tract (sinusitis, bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia…)

Muscle and joint pain (back pain, calcified shoulder, knee problems, arthritis, gout…)

Bone diseases (osteoporosis, rickets, bone tumours…)

Hormonal disorders (mood swings, hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, sexual disorders…)

Diseases of the nervous system (lack of concentration, depression, dementia, Alzheimer’s, MS…)

Lymph congestion, immunodeficiency, allergies, skin diseases, high cholesterol levels, hearing/vision problems…


How do you remove gallstones?


Everyone has the opportunity to flush out these stones at home – quite simply and without pain! Thousands of gallstones up to two centimetres in size are excreted from the liver and gallbladder. Apple juice, olive oil, grapefruit juice and Epsom salts are needed for this effective form of liver cleansing.


On request, we offer liver cleansing as part of a Intensive detox retreat or during one of our online detox retreats.


More information on liver cleansing

(The functionality and effectiveness of this offer has not yet been proven or recognised by conventional medicine).

Kidney cleansing

Detox Online Coaching

The kidneys are one of the main organs of elimination and are used intensively during your detox retreat. In contrast to the liver, however, they are very sensitive and cannot regenerate themselves when overloaded. Just as deposits can form in the intestines, small stones can also form in the kidneys from acid crystals, which can impair kidney function.


This makes it possible for urinary substances that are normally excreted via the kidneys to remain in the body and accumulate in joints, which can lead to diseases such as gout and osteoarthritis.


The kidney cleanse is a detox procedure that lasts 20 days. A specially prepared herbal decoction is consumed 6 to 8 times a day. Because the kidneys are so sensitive, there are a number of points that need to be considered.


We will be happy to advise you on the exact procedure for cleansing your kidneys during your detox retreat or as part of a telephone health and nutritional consultation.

(The functionality and effectiveness of this offer has not yet been proven or recognised by conventional medicine).

Removal of heavy metals

Detox Online Coaching

The exposure and poisoning of the human organism with heavy metals and environmental pollutants is not a disease, but a collection of various symptoms.


It is about the body’s warning signals, which very few people register at the beginning. In the course of time, more and more symptoms of the disease appear, so that a medical consultation is necessary.[show_more more=Read…more> color=#8B0000 less=<  ]


The most common form of poisoning is mercury exposure, which is caused, for example, by amalgam dental fillings. Amalgam consists of 50% mercury. The rest is made up of tin, copper and silver, which are also highly toxic. It is undisputed and proven by numerous studies that the toxic heavy metals mentioned accumulate in the body. Added to this are lead and cadmium from the environment.


The following complaints and symptoms may indicate heavy metal poisoning:

Aggressiveness – Allergies – General Weakness – Antibiotic resistance – Lack of drive – Anaemia – Asthma – Autism – Blood pressure disorders – Chronic fatigue – Depression – Sensory disorders (e.g. numbness, cold, tingling) numbness, coldness, tingling) – lack of energy – inflammation of the sinuses – epilepsy – fibromyalgia – joint pain – skin eczema – herpes – cardiac arrhythmia – hormonal fluctuations – hearing disorders – hyperactivity in children – susceptibility to infections – headaches – liver damage – dyslexia – reduced memory – mouth, throat and stomach pain – mouth and throat pain – stomach pain – dyskinesia – dysgraphia – dysgraphia – dyslexia – dyslexia, throat, stomach pain – mouth twitching – nervous disorders – nervousness – neurodermatitis – psychoses – fungal diseases – irritability – thyroid dysfunction – insomnia – dizziness – visual disturbances – tinnitus – trigeminal neuralgia – excessive sweating – slurred pronunciation – gingivitis – tremors


On request, we offer heavy metal elimination as part of a health counselling on site or during one of our online detox retreats.


More information on heavy metal elimination

(The functionality and effectiveness of this offer has not yet been proven or recognised by conventional medicine).


Reiki distance treatment

Detox Online Coaching

It has been shown that a Reiki distance treatment can support the personal healing process very effectively.

More info on the topic Reiki

(The functionality and effectiveness of this offer has not yet been proven or recognised by conventional medicine).

Detox Online Coaching

Are you ready for your personalised detox online coaching?
Then make a non-binding enquiry now.

We look forward to hearing from you!