Support your health with naturopathic detox wellness therapies wellness therapies in our oasis Vidyamor on La Palma, the most diverse island of the Canary Islands

Naturopathic detox wellness therapies

Individually tailored detox wellness therapies on La Palma ~ Canary Islands

Support your health with individually tailored, naturopathic detox and wellness therapies in our oasis Vidyamor on the island of La Palma.

Naturopathic detox and wellness treatments offer a wide range of benefits, that go far beyond simple relaxation. Through targeted detoxification treatments , your body is freed from harmful metabolic waste, which not only promotes your physical health, but can also improve your general well-being.


Wellness treatments help you to reduce stress and regain your inner balance.

In the idyllic surroundings of Vidyamor on the Canary Islands, you can feel the healing power of nature nature and at the same time benefit from individually tailored therapy offers, that address your specific needs and goals. The combination of detox and wellness can create a holistic experience, that gives you new energy and vitality and lets you and lets you return to your everyday life refreshed and renewed.

Experience a tailor-made combination of relaxation and renewal, that is perfectly tailored to your needs.

Regenerating detox & wellness therapies in the Canary Islands

Holistic bioresonance therapy on La Palma

Get to know regenerating Detox- wellness therapies on La Palma ~ Canary Islands, including the innovative bioresonance therapy, to cleanse your body and increase your well-being.

Holistic bioresonance therapy makes use of the discovery, that the human body is permeated and surrounded by a measurable electrical field. In the event of illness, these “harmonious oscillations” of the electromagnetic field can change into disharmonious ones.


The elementary effect of bioresonance therapy is based on the simple, but ingenious idea of the German physician Dr. Morell, to invert the vibration patterns of a patient, i. e.h. into the exact mirror image and return it to the patient in this form as a highly effective therapeuticvibration back to the patient.

With the help of this therapy, your entire body system can be tested for disorders, deficiencies and stresses and treated immediately.

In addition, bioresonance therapy can activate the body’s own reaction and regulatory powers, for example by eliminating allergens and strengthening and harmonising the organs. This therapy therefore provides ideal support for your detox retreat.

Areas of application:

– Check-up of the entire body system in combination with an anamnesis

– Treatment for viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasite load

– Support for the organs during the detox retreat

– Allergies, e.g. to food, animal hair, pollen, etc.

– Chronic diseases of the respiratory tract and skin

– Immunodeficiency

– Painful conditions

– Psychological disorders, e.g. hyperactivity, eating disorders …

– Chronic diseases, e.g. stomach, intestines, heart …

Bioresonance therapy can be very helpful in the early detection of possible incipient diseases. It can support the elimination of common ” modern” causes of illness such as environmental toxins and electromagnetic radiation. It is also very popular for drug testing to determine which dose and type of medication is suitable for the patient.

Die Bioresonanz Therapie ist schmerzfrei und nicht belastend. The number of treatments required cannot be determined precisely in advance, as many factors are important here (e.g. how the patient’s organism responds to the therapy, the nature of the symptoms and the severity).

Cleansing colonic irrigations in the Canary Islands

Colonics are essential for your cleansing detox retreat in the Canary Islands.

As the body releases many toxins during the detox retreat, these must be excreted as quickly as possible via the elimination organs. Otherwise you may experience unpleasant detox symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, nausea and the like.

The aim of colonic irrigation is, to remove old deposits and hardening from the colon. This regenerates the intestines, optimises food intake and normalises excretion. Even in healthy people, a cleansed gut can provide more vitality, increased well-being and an intact immune defence.

Enemas :

If you want to cleanse your bowels during a detox fast, you can do this with the help of an enema. It is available in pharmacies and is easy to use. It is a small bag that is filled with water and a thin tube that is inserted with a special attachment.

Colon hydrotherapy:

Hydro-colon therapy has proven to be particularly effective during the detox retreat, as it can cleanse the colon more deeply and thoroughly. The colon can be gently and effectively cleansed with filtered water at variable temperatures. A gentle abdominal massage supports this detox treatment.

The individual application takes approx. 45 minutes. However, an average of 8-10 flushes are necessary to free the colon of all old deposits and thus completely sanitise it. The intestinal flora is then supported with probiotic bacteria in order to optimally strengthen the immune system.

This detox therapy is only carried out if there are no acute or chronic inflammatory bowel diseases.

Experience a balancing Bach flower therapy on the Canaries

Experience a balancing Bach flower therapy on the Canaries, that can gently and effectively help, your emotional balance, reduce stress and promote inner harmony.

Bach flower therapy is based on the realisation that every illness is preceded by a negative state of mind. The 38 different flower essences, which were developed by the English. The remedies prepared by doctor Edward Bach can have an effect on a person’s personality and help to dissolve negative character traits such as insecurity, discouragement, impatience, etc.


During this wellness treatment, the patient tries to recognise his negative soul concepts and transform them into positive qualities. In order to determine the appropriate Bach flower essences that can positively support the patient’s healing process, these are tested with the help of the bioresonance device and the biotensor.

The essences compiled in this way are taken by the patient over a certain period of time in the form of drops.

Enjoy a harmonizing Reiki treatment on La Palma

Let yourself be pampered on La Palma with a harmonizing Reikitreatment and enjoy the deep relaxation and balance it brings you.

Reiki comes from the Japanese and means “universal life energy”.

This ancient method of natural healing was rediscovered by Dr Mikao Usui in the second half of the 19th century.


The subtle energy can be passed on through the gentle laying on of hands, whereby the strength of the energy flow depends on the individual needs of the recipient. As the Reiki giver merely acts as a “channel”, the recipient is protected from negative influences.


Possible effects on a physical, emotional and mental level:


Reiki can activate the body’s self-healing powers and harmonise the entire organism. The “universal life energy” can also have a pain-relieving, circulation-enhancing and relaxing effect. On an emotional level, Reiki can have a balancing and relaxing effect and promote mental well-being, making it a wonderful addition to a wellness retreat.


Reiki guides people back to their roots, to their own centre, and shows ways of holistic healing, which can, for example, help them to face everyday life with all its challenges in a more relaxed way.


Everyone has the opportunity to become a “Reiki energy channel” in the form of an initiation. For those interested, we offer Reiki courses for the I, II and III degree (master degree) for 2 people

Experience the vitalizing power of prana treatment

Discover the invigorating and vitalizing power of the Prana treatment and feel its profound effect on body, mind and soul.

Prana is a Sanskrit word and stands for the life force that keeps the body alive and healthy. Prana is absorbed from sunlight, food and breathing, among other things, and can strengthen the entire body and positively support health and well-being.


Prana treatment makes use of the realisation that our physical body has an etheric image, the so-called bioplasmic body. Thanks to Kirlian photography, it is now possible to visualise this invisible body that surrounds us.


Before symptoms of illness appear in the physical body, the harmony of the etheric body is disturbed.

The aim of prana treatment is to cleanse our bioplasmic body and enrich it with fresh prana so that the body regains its vitality. It can also positively support the healing process for various complaints, such as colds, pain, intestinal problems, etc.

This makes the Prana treatment ideal for both a wellness retreat and a detox retreat.

Feel the detoxifying effect of bipolar magnetic therapy

Feel, how the Bipolar Magnettherapy can detoxify your body and cleanse it of harmful microorganisms, to promote your long-term health.

The founder of medical biomagnetism, Dr. Isaac Goiz, has discovered, that by applying natural healing magnets , disorders in the in the organism can be detected and treated.

Humans cannot exist without an intact magnetic field inside the body and in their environment. A healthy environment is characterised by a neutral acid-base ratio and is measured by the pH value.

In diseases – triggered by trauma, glandular dysfunctions and pathogens – cells and tissue are magnetically reversed and their pHvalue is adversely altered.

Dr Goiz discovered that if an area in the tissue or individual organs is too acidic, a corresponding alkaline counterbalance is automatically formed. Both poles are inextricably linked in terms of energy. In order to dissolve this field of tension, appropriate magnets are placed on the lightly clothed body for approx. 20 minutes. This can restore the energy balance. Viruses can thus lose their genetic information and bacteria their pathogenic properties.

This also removes the breeding ground for parasites and fungi. Pathologically reversed cells can no longer exist in the now balanced environment. It therefore makes sense to integrate this therapy, if necessary, during your detox retreat.

Bipolar magnetic therapy can positively support the individual healing process for almost all illnesses.

(The function and mode of action of the above-mentioned detox wellness therapies has not yet been proven or recognized by conventional medicine)

Healing detox cures on the Canary Islands

Free your body with a purely herbal parasite cure on La Palma

Experience the healing detox cures on La Palma ~ Canary Islands and free your body from harmful substances. A purely herbal parasite cure is particularly effective, which can sustainably cleanse your body and strengthen your health.

It makes perfect sense to integrate a parasite cure into your detox retreat. While you are fasting, the parasites are weakened and can be eliminated much more easily.

Parasites live at our expense! They deprive us of the essential vitamins, minerals and amino acids we need for digestion. Parasites excrete toxic waste that poisons the body and weakens the immune system.

The effects are therefore numerous and not obvious: mineral deficiency, fatigue, cravings, digestive problems and allergies are just some of them.

Parasites are everywhere. You can’t avoid contact with them. They are on all surfaces and also in the air. The only defence is to have a strong immune system and a clean digestive tract, which you can achieve with a detox retreat.

Our method comprises 2 phases:

1. killing the adult parasites for approx. 10 days as part of the intensive detox retreat

2. to eliminate eggs and larvae of certain parasites for good, you can continue the treatment at home for the next 80 days. We can test whether this makes sense on site.

In the 1st phase, we recommend a detox retreat of ideally at least 10 days in combination with daily colonic irrigations to cleanse the intestines and eliminate the dead parasites in order to avoid poisoning by their body parts.

In the 2nd phase, you can return to your usual diet, avoiding white bread and white sugar, meat, fish, eggs, cheese, alcohol, milk and coffee, so as not to create a basis for a new infection.

Many people with the above-mentioned symptoms have already had positive experiences with the parasite cure in combination with colonic irrigation.

On request, we offer the parasite cure as part of a holistic detox retreat.

The products for the parasite cure are not included in the package price.

More information on the parasite cure

Start a detoxifying liver cleanse in the Canaries

A comprehensive, detoxifying liver cleanse awaits you on the beautiful Canaries, recharge your batteries and promote your health in a holistic way.

This gentle and effective detox procedure is one of the easiest ways to cleanse the liver and gallbladder of gallstones without surgery.

The liver is our largest detox organ and has the opportunity to dedicate itself intensively to detoxification during fasting.

If the function of this vital and complex organ is impaired, this has negative effects on the entire organism and can be the cause of the following complaints: A high cholesterol level, hormonal disorders, immunodeficiency and digestive disorders are typical signs of this.

Many people with the above-mentioned illnesses have had positive experiences with liver cleansing in combination with colon hydrotherapy.

One of the main reasons for the development of gallstones is the extremely protein-rich diet of Western civilisation. Animal proteins from meat, fish, eggs and cheese are particularly responsible for the formation of gallstones. Sugar and white flour, coffee and alcohol, stress, medication and environmental toxins can also cause gallstones.

On request, we offer liver cleansing as part of an intensive detox retreat, ideally lasting at least 10 days. We will also be happy to advise you during a telephone health and nutritional consultation on how you can successfully remove gallstones at home.

More information on liver cleansing

Experience a regenerating kidney cleanse on La Palma

On La Palma you can experience a regenerating kidney cleanse that helps you to detoxify your body and restore your vitality.

The kidneys are one of the main organs of elimination and are used intensively during a detox retreat. In contrast to the liver, however, they are very sensitive and cannot regenerate themselves when overloaded.


Just as deposits can form in the intestines, small stones form in the kidneys from acid crystals, which can impair the function of the kidneys.

This makes it possible for urinary substances that are normally excreted via the kidneys to remain in the body and accumulate in joints, which can lead to diseases such as gout and osteoarthritis.


The kidney cleanse is a detox procedure that lasts 20 days. A specially prepared herbal decoction is consumed 6 to 8 times a day. Because the kidneys are so sensitive, there are a number of points that need to be considered.

We will be happy to advise you on the exact implementation of kidney cleansing during a detox retreat or as part of a telephone health and nutrition consultation.

Start with a heavy metal detox on the Canary Islands

The Canary Islands offer you the opportunity to free your body from toxic substances through a targeted and relieving heavy metal detox. This detoxifying treatment can support your health , by efficiently removing harmful substances from your body and contributing to a feeling of deep regeneration and new vitality.


Heavy metal elimination is one of the most important and complicated detox techniques of all. Mercury and other harmful substances can accumulate throughout the body, in the connective tissue as well as in the cells and thus in the central nervous system and the brain. It has been proven that acute and chronic symptoms can occur wherever toxins have been deposited over a long period of time.


Mercury poisoning and other harmful substances do not have an unmistakable clinical picture of their own. The symptoms and manifestations are extremely varied: concentration disorders, tinnitus, depression, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, autism, asthma and neurodermatitis are just some of the symptoms that are closely associated with heavy metal poisoning.


Heavy metal elimination takes at least 3 months and you are welcome to be looked after by us during this time. You will receive detailed instructions on how to do this during your detox retreat or as part of a telephone health and nutritional consultation.


More information on heavy metal elimination

(The function and mode of action of the above mentioned detox cures has not yet been proven or recognized by conventional medicine)

Experience the transformative power of the best detox wellness treatments La Palma has to offer, and let yourself be enchanted by their magic. These unique treatments can help you to relieve stress, revitalize you and find a soothing inner balance , that strengthens your well-being in the long term.


Are you ready for naturopathic therapy in our oasis on the Canary Islands?

Then make a non-binding enquiry now.


We look forward to hearing from you!